Featured Episode: Find Your Fresh Start: What to do when the Old Ways are No Longer Working



  • Why it’s never too late to make a change in your life

  • How to identify the things in your life that no longer serve you

  • Why celebration is important and how to celebrate when the world feels heavy

  • What to say yes to and what to say no to

  • How to become the healthiest, most whole person that you can be

  • What to do when you find yourself in a place where your relationship with God (or really, your relationship with the church) doesn’t feel the way it once did


(You can also listen right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

At the moment we’re in between seasons here on the show. But while we’re waiting for our next official season to begin, we thought this would be a great time to pull some of our favorite episodes out of the Girls Night archive. This is the perfect time to catch up on episodes you might have missed, or listen again to old favorites.

I’m so excited because, recently, I had the honor and privilege of interviewing my all-time favorite author, Shauna Niequist, and that’s the conversation you’re going to hear today!

If you’ve been following along with my corner of the internet for a while, you’ve probably heard me mention Shauna and her books — one of my favorites being Cold Tangerines. Her words and stories and wisdom have impacted my life and truly shaped who I am as a person, a writer, a friend and, now, as a mom. 

Shauna has a book called, I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet: Discovering New Ways of Living When the Old Ways Stop Working, and in it she talks a lot about life in the midst of transitions. Well, today she is talking us through some of the things we all need to hear in the midst of life’s biggest transitions and I cannot WAIT for you to hear what she had to say. 



Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journals, Every Single Moment and The Between Places

Faithful Counseling Link

Shauna’s new book: I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet: Discovering New Ways of Living When the Old Ways Stop Working

Other books written by Shauna:

Cold Tangerines

Present Over Perfect


And more!

What has helped Shauna become the most whole person that she can be:

  1. Time with a good therapist

  2. Slowing down life enough to think and feel in good ways

Scripture Mentioned:

Romans 12:15 - “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.”

Quotes Mentioned:

"If you're still alive, it's not too late" - Shauna

"As long as you're still making choices...you can make new choices. You're never too old." - Shauna

"Being a writer is being a person who pays attention" - Shauna

"If you want to start journaling, start with the questions of pain and desire. What hurts and what do you want." - Shauna

"When I'm able to slow down, that always yields the most growth and the most health in my life" - Shauna

"What's right for them doesn't have to be what's right for me" - Shauna

"Fight hard to retain your quirky humanity. Don't let your edges get too polished off." - Shauna

"We're not mood boards" - Shauna

"Do not hide in your own life" - Shauna


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