Featured Episode: How to Stop Being so Afraid of Rejection — Especially When Pursuing Your Dreams!



  • The fears that are holding you back from speaking up and stepping outside your comfort zone

  • How to stop fearing rejection

  • How to ask for something you want

  • How to keep moving forward if you try something new and fail miserably


(You can also listen right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

At the moment we’re in between seasons here on the show. But while we’re waiting for our next official season to begin, we thought this would be a great time to pull some of our favorite episodes out of the Girls Night archive. This is the perfect time to catch up on episodes you might have missed, or listen again to old favorites.

Today’s guest is my friend, Carrie Grace. Carrie is a motivational speaker who travels all around the country speaking to businesses and teams, and one of the things she teaches them how to do is to take more risks!

I met up with Carrie awhile back, and, y’all, she’s amazing. She has this quality about her where she seriously is not scared of rejection. She’s the kind of person who knows that if you don’t ask the question, the answer is always no. She loves taking risks and the things that have happened in her life because of those risks are amazing.

My heart was pounding the whole time she and I were at lunch, and as we talked, I found myself dreaming in a whole new way, wondering what crazy leaps I could take, and actually not being afraid of the rejection I might face in the process.

And that’s why I just knew we had to have her over for a Girls Night.

Friend, if you’re feeling stuck or lonely or like your dreams are just too far off, this episode is for you! My hope is that the stories Carrie shares from her own life will inspire you to be bold, take risks, and see what amazing things come of it!



Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journals, Every Single Moment and The Between Places

Faithful Counseling Link

Dave Ramsey link

The 5 Second Rule book by Mel Robbins

Quotes mentioned:

"It's better to go out there and try than to never have tried." - Carrie

"The outcome is never what you expect it to be." - Carrie

"Where are the areas you're not stepping out of your comfort zone?" - Carrie

"There really is no failure in experimenting" - Stephanie

"You have permission to send the email, you have permission to take the chance." - Carrie

"Are your excuses more important than opportunity?" - Carrie

"Would we rather feel safe and comfortable or would we rather feel loved and connected?" - Steph

"Find people who are excited about what you're excited about." - Carrie

"How bad do you want a shift in your life?" - Carrie

"Invite yourself to the party!" - Carrie


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