Girls Night #19: The 20-Something Girl's Survival Guide

We're chatting about how to navigate transitions, how to find a great church and how to get involved, how to handle difficult roommates, how to find and make good friends, and more!


  • How to find a great church and how to get involved

  • How to navigate transitions in a way that helps you thrive instead of feeling crushed by them

  • How to find and make really good friends and how who we choose to surround ourselves with might be the most important decision we ever make

  • Practical advice for how to handle difficult roommates (which is funny because that absolutely applies to every stage of life, including marriage!) 

  • About relationships — specifically friends with benefits, and what to do if you find yourself in that situation either physically or emotionally


(You can also listen right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls Night!

In today’s episode we’re talking with one of my favorite friends here in Nashville, author Hanna Seymour. Hanna is an amazing writer, mentor, Bible teacher, and friend. And I just love the conversation we have in store for you today.

So, here’s the deal. In just a few weeks, Hanna is coming out with her very first book. It’s called The College Girl's Survival Guide, and can I just tell you? It’s amazing. In it, she’s answering 52 of the biggest questions and concerns we have as we’re going through college, and she knocked it out of the park. 

She talks about everything from how to pick your major, to how to know if you should transfer to a different school, how to get along with your parents when you’re home over summer break, to how to navigate the party scene. She talks about roommate drama, and how to make friends, and what to do about the Freshman 15 (or the Freshman 20 if you were me in college!), and that’s just the beginning.

But here’s why I love this episode. Today Hanna and I are going to be talking through some of my favorite questions she answered in the book, and I love them because they’re not just applicable to college students. They’re applicable to all of us. 

Here are just a few of the things we talk about in our conversation today:

  • We talk about how to find a great church and how to get involved

  • How to navigate transitions in a way that helps you thrive instead of feeling crushed by them

  • We talk about how to find and make really good friends and how who we choose to surround ourselves with might be the most important decision we ever make

  • Hanna gives us practical advice for how to handle difficult roommates (which is funny because that absolutely applies to every stage of life, including marriage!) 

  • We talk about relationships — specifically friends with benefits, and what to do if you find yourself in that situation either physically or emotionally.

  • And that’s just the beginning. 

This was such an emotional conversation for both of us. At the beginning of the conversation, Hanna shares an embarrassing story that actually had me crying I was laughing so hard. And toward the end of our conversation, we both actually cried as Hanna talks about what to do if you find yourself in a situation that happens FAR TO OFTEN both in college and after — she talks to us about sexual assault and rape.

This is a big, important conversation for all of us — whether you’re a college student, or you graduated a long time ago. I’m so excited to share it with you. 



We're chatting about how to navigate transitions, how to find a great church and how to get involved, how to handle difficult roommates, how to find and make good friends, and more!


Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

The Lipstick Gospel Devotional

Hanna's first Girls Night episode: A Married Gal's Guide To Great Sex

The podcast Hanna produces and co-hosts

Hanna's new book: The College Girl's Survival Guide: 52 Honest, Faith-Filled Answers to Your Biggest Concerns

Jen Hatmaker's quote from her book For The Love (Steph LOVES THIS BOOK!) is: “Instead of waiting for community, provide it, and you’ll end up with it anyway.”

The verse Stephanie tried to remember was Genesis 50:20, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."

The phone number for the RAINN hotline is: 800 - 656- 4673

Their website is:

Delight Ministries


Campus Crusade

The Navigators

The college ministry Stephanie went to & worked for in Boulder, Colorado



To pre-order Hanna's book on Amazon, click here!

To pre-order Hanna's book on Lifeway, click here!


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Our Sponsor for today’s episode is Zola! To sign up with Zola and receive a $50 credit toward your registry, go to




here’s another resource I know you’ll love!


Every Single Moment

A 100-day prayer journal to help you savor the present and prepare for the future!

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