Girls Night #158: For the Girl who is Convinced Online Dating Doesn’t Work



  • Why online dating is not as scary as we sometimes make it out to be

  • Why it really is okay for Christians to online date (And why this isn’t leaving God out of the process!)

  • Profile updates to make to help you better connect with great, godly guys

  • Red flags to look for when online dating

  • What to do if you feel totally burned out from online dating and it just doesn’t seem to be working


(You can also listen right here!👇)


(Or watch the interview right here!👇)


Hey friends! Welcome to Girls Night!

I’m so excited about today’s episode. Today we’re talking about online dating and how to do it well!

So, here’s the thing, I think we fall into a few different camps when it comes to the topic of online dating. A lot of us want to try online dating, but we are totally nervous about it. We don’t know if it’s the right fit, the right next step, and we’re not sure how to do it successfully.

On the other hand, I know there are a lot of us who have really given online dating a try and we have come out the other side totally exhausted, discouraged, and burned out. It’s just not working.

Friend, I promise, whatever group you find yourself in, you’re not alone there. Today’s conversation is going to dig deep into the fears and frustrations we have about online dating, while also giving us lots of encouragement – the kind of encouragement that might even have you reconsider your outlook on online dating altogether!

And the woman who’s going to walk us through this is a Girls Night favorite and my dear friend, Kat Harris. Kat is the Co-Founder of the online publication, The Refined Woman, and host of The Refined Collective Podcast. She’s also the author of an amazing book called, Sexless in the City. 

Kat is the go-to expert when it comes to online dating. I had the honor of helping out with a workshop she did about online dating a few months ago, and as I was listening to her teach, her knowledge, wisdom, and insight seriously blew me away.

In this episode, Kat’s going to teach us how to shift our mindsets and attitudes around online dating, how to set up our dating profiles so that we stand out, how to make our online dating experience better, and so much more! I can’t wait to share this with you!!



Read the Transcript Here

Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journals, Every Single Moment and The Between Places

Kat’s Book: Sexless in the City: A Sometimes Sassy, Sometimes Painful, Always Honest Look at Dating, Desire, and Sex

Kat’s Podcast: The Refined Collective Podcast

Other Girls Night Episodes with Kat:

Girls Night #97: How to Navigate your Sex Drive as a Single Christian Woman

Girls Night #124: Modesty, Purity, and Sex — Unpacking the Messages we Heard Growing Up

Quotes Mentioned:

"No experience is a waste of time because all of it is grounds for growth" - Kat

"Through technology, God has made our world so much smaller and given us opportunities to connect in ways that we never would have before and so I'm just grateful" - Kat

"Whatever narrative you're committed to, you're going to find evidence of that" - Kat

"You do not know someones heart until you spend time with them...people can surprise you" - Kat

"Dating is a curb not a cliff" - Kat

"Lower the stakes and lower the pressure as much as you can" - Kat

"What we love and who we love comes out in our conversations" - Kat

"Be open to the unexpected" - Kat

"Are you wanting to bond over the drama or bond over the possibility?" -Kat

"How can I communicate what I want from a place of abundance, from a place of connection, from a place of hope and possibility" - Kat

"The point is to meet people" - Kat

"Life isn't about waiting until the fear ceases, but it's acknowledging the fear and then going forward anyways." - Kat


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